Boat valuer Ian Walker is a Registered Marine Valuer, operating in the marine industry for many years. We complete valuations nationwide and throughout the South Pacific. Also recognised as Registered Marine Valuers by the National Australian Bank. (NAB)
We offer a complete service and will value everything marine. We are based in Auckland, and have travelled from Houhora in the far north to Deep Cove, Doubtful Sound in the far south.
We value trailer boats, recreational vessels. commercial vessels, offshore motor yachts and sailing yachts.
NZ Marine Valuations Limited, was formed in October 2012. Managing Director Ian Walker has been in the marine industry for more than 30 years. We considered that the time had arrived, for a dedicated stand-alone boat valuations company, and to stay in the valuation business: Ian has many years’ boat brokerage experience since 1984 – valuations were previously submitted by boat brokers.
The valuation will be provided within the guidelines as established by PINZ; the Property Institute of New Zealand (Plant and Machinery) Marine is a sub-section of Plant and Machinery. Our valuations comply with the International Standards of London.( IVS 2013).
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