At the recent NZ Marine Annual General Meeting, held 16 June 2020, members agreed to the establishment of a NZ Marine & Composites Training Academy.
This exciting new initiative will further the world-leading training provided by the NZ Marine & Composites (NZMAC) Transitional Industry Training Organisation, and seamlessly transition existing apprentices to the new Training Academy.
The Government’s reforms of the vocational education sector which will see the disestablishment of industry training organisations (ITOs) has provided the marine and composites industries a unique opportunity to pursue a dedicated training academy. This will be through an application to NZQA to register a Private Training Establishment (PTE), being the NZ MARINE & COMPOSITES TRAINING ACADEMY.
This new facility will be able to expand and deliver far more for the marine and composites industries. For the apprentices and trainees entering or transitioning to the Academy we will deliver and support both off-job and on-job education and training to achieve a seamless integration between both settings and be well connected and able to respond to the needs of industry. A balanced delivery of work- and practice-based learning on campus and online through our digital products, would provide the optimum learning environment for students and apprentices for the marine and composites sectors.
During this transition period over the next 6 – 12 months from ITO to PTE, employers and apprentices will see NO disruption to the level of service they currently receive from NZMAC ITO, it will be business as usual. We are working closely with Government officials to ensure this is seamless as possible.
Globally, the marine industry in New Zealand is recognised as producing outstanding marine and composite graduates and these tradespeople are much sought after once receiving their New Zealand accreditation. Our graduates are the NZ Marine industries’ best marketing tools – they expound the virtues of our industry wherever they are nationally and globally, giving our products and services an unrivaled reputation. In time we will also be able to offer international students the opportunity to train at the Academy and with NZ’s best employers.
The NZ marine and composites industries have, for a long time, been key contributors to New Zealand’s economy through export earnings. This is set to continue with the combined industries being one of New Zealand’s largest manufacturing-based earners with annual turnover exceeding $2 billion and export earnings approaching $1 billion across both sectors.
Presently, there are 210 employers training some 460 trainees/apprentices and there will always remain an on-going demand to train more people with the high skills required with continued growth forecast for both industry sectors. Today, and beyond COVID-19, there remains high demand from industry and support for a supply of quality pre-trade graduates to pathway into apprenticeships in the various sectors of industry to meet the high skills required.
For further information contact:
Chris van der Hor, General Manager
NZ Marine & Composites Industry Training Organisation
Mobile: +64 (0) 21 757 955
Phone: +64 9 360 0056