Raymarine’s stylish new LightHouse 3 Dartmouth operating system for its Axiom range of MFDs comes with a handy new Day/Night mode, auto chart re-centering, a range of great new LightHouse Apps and numerous other features sure to appeal to Kiwi boaties.
Dartmouth’s handy new Day/Night Mode is sure to prove especially popular with those boating at night. At the touch of the screen, it enables skippers to clearly see all the details on their Axiom display, without impeding their night vision in any way.
Dartmouth also introduces a range of new LightHouse apps, providing even greater integration with a vessel’s onboard systems. These include the entire Quick Nautical Network (including gyros, anchor and thruster systems, lights and more); Lumitec Marine Lighting and other lighting systems through the Poco digital control system; High Pressure Watermakers and Kinetex Impact Mitigation.
Featuring enhanced fonts and gauges, Dartmouth delivers a crisp, clean new look that makes it even easier to quickly absorb all the data on display. In addition to enhanced customisation, Dartmouth’s Sidebar now offers Audio control. With a simple swipe, this gives instant access to the ship’s entertainment system, without the need to switch away from the navigation, sonar or multi-function displays currently on the screen. It works with compatible NMEA2000, Ethernet and Bluetooth audio systems.
Another easy-to-use new feature is Dartmouth’s helpful Ruler Tool. This makes it easy to measure the distance between the boat and another vessel, the boat and a point on shore, between various points of interest or between multiple points at the same time.
The new fully-customisable fish alarm is very easy to set up. With both visual and audio alerts, it enables users to identify the various depths at which the fish are swimming, specifically highlighting those in a targeted depth range.
Raymarine’s new LightHouse 3 Dartmouth operating system for its Axiom range of multifunction displays is now available and is free and easy to download from http://www.raymarine.eu/multifunction-displays/lighthouse3/.
Product and dealer information is available from Lusty and Blundell on (09) 415-8303 or at www.lusty-blundell.co.nz.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Shirner Dyson
Lusty & Blundell
Phone: (09) 415-8303