NZ Marine’s mission is to encourage development of the New Zealand marine industry and help our members build successful businesses. We do this by providing a comprehensive range of support services to our members.
New Zealand’s marine industry is a recognised leader in the global marketplace, with an international reputation for innovative excellence and competitive manufacturing.
NZ Marine is the trade association for the NZ marine industry linking over 520 companies nationwide to represent and grow this successful New Zealand industry.
If you are interested in NZ Marine membership please download, complete and return the NZ Marine membership form to Caroline Gibson
For further information on NZ Marine activities and how we help our members please take a look through our NZ Marine News magazines.
NZ Marine Industry Association: Benefits of Membership
Networking and upskilling opportunities
NZ Marine organises regular networking functions hosted by member companies throughout the country; members enjoy networking with industry peers and gain insight to other sectors of the industry.
The bi-ennial NZ Marine Industry Conference is also the perfect opportunity to learn and upskill from top speakers and enjoy valuable networking time with industry peers. Past events have been held in Rotorua, Taupo, Auckland, Queenstown, Tauranga, and the Bay of Islands.
Discounted boat show exhibitor space
Members enjoy discounted exhibitor space at our own show, Auckland Boat Show, and also at the Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show.
Members have access to over 40 standard documents with the potential to save many hours and thousands of dollars in legal and preparation fees. These include: Industry ethics, Agreements for boat construction, refit and repair, export and Agreements for the sale of new and used boats, and more.
We communicate regularly with members via our Fastmail email newsletter, passing on news items, sales leads and information on networking and upskilling opportunities. NZ Marine also produces the full-colour NZ Marine News magazine covering industry news, members news items and statistics.
Members gain access to statistics about the major sectors of the NZ and international marine industries. This information can be vital in making informed business decisions.
Websites and Promotion
Members are promoted on the industry website www.nzmarine.com, the Discover Boating website www.discoverboating.co.nz which promotes recreational boating, and the Boaties Book website which includes the Marine Directory of our members on-line as well as in the printed version which is distributed widely through boat shows, yacht clubs and marine organisations.
For more information on how to apply for membership of the NZ Marine Industry Association please email us on info@nzmarine.com or download the membership application form above and return to us at NZ Marine.
We look forward to being of assistance to you and your marine business!